
The Bible Project
Unified message of the Bible

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We believe God loves you powerfully and has revealed everything we need to know about Him and His love in the Bible. We hope resources like these help you on your journey.

Our mission is to help you know how to connect with God and others.

Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us at Bible Baptist Church. Here at Bible Baptist, our message and mission is simply, "connecting people to God by learning and living the Bible together".  In the Bible, God has given us His plan for how to have eternal life, and He says there's only one way. So what do we do?

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Listen to Messages
Missed a Sunday? No problem! Catch up with the latest services here.

Sermon Archive
Sunday Mornings 
Worship Service 10:00 am
Small Groups 11:15 am

Tuesday Evenings as scheduled
6:00 pm Prayer team

Small Groups
A variety of days, times and locations during the week as scheduled.

Current Sermon Series "Better. . ."

A walk through the book of Hebrews.

Latest Services

Our Location


Our Address

15 West Road
Cortland, NY 13045

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Service Times

Sunday Mornings
10:00 am

Small Groups
11:15 AM

Tuesday Evening Prayer Team
6:00 pm (as scheduled)

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Serving our Community

Service is the overflow of growing more connected to God. It seeks to extend God’s grace and mercy to others for His glory and not our own. We strive to serve as an expression of love and stewardship of grace, marked by humility, generosity and hospitality.

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Prayer requests, information about dates, times events and special announcements from the staff

Contact Info

15 West Road Cortland, NY 13045
607.756.7716 |